Cindy’s Story
by: Emily J.
Once upon a time there lived a girl named Cindy. She had two stepsisters, Ali and Ruth, a stepmother Rose, and her father. Her father was a traveling salesman who was always away on business. While he was gone, their town was auditioning girls for a movie. Cindy had always wanted to be an actress. When her stepmother and stepsisters had heard about it, they decided to make it impossible for Cindy to go. Rose, Cindy’s stepmother, had been home schooling the three girls since Cindy’s father had married her. She decided to give Cindy piles and piles of homework so it would be nearly impossible for her to get it done in time for the auditions. But Cindy was determined to go anyway.
Rose told the maid to make sure she finished it all. But when the maid saw how much work Cindy had already done, she was in shock! She told Cindy she would finish the rest of the homework for her and that she should go and audition. So Cindy went upstairs to her room and got dressed in some of her best clothes. Her stepmother and sisters had taken the limo so she had to call the taxi service. Before long, the taxi arrived and she was on her way.
When she arrived, she walked into the waiting room. Her stepmother saw her and was so angry. She walked over to Cindy and said, “Cindy, I would like a moment with you outside.“ Cindy, being the respectful one, went outside with her. Her stepmother was yelling at her nonstop. Suddenly, Rose pushed Cindy with all her strength, causing her to fall into a mud puddle. Rose said to Cindy, “Go home and wait until I get there.”
Cindy was determined to get to the auditions. Luckily, her friend Alicia lived near the place where they are auditioning, so she went to Alicia’s house and asked her, “Could I borrow some clothes?“
Alicia replied, “Yes, of course. But I’m leaving this afternoon and I will need the clothes back right after the audition.” So, Alicia and Cindy went to her room and got a pink top with diamonds around the neckline and jeans with a black and silver belt.
Soon Cindy was back at the auditions, and this time she went to the back of the waiting room so her stepfamily wouldn’t see her. They called her back when it was her turn to audition. After the audition they said, “You were fantastic.” They said they would call her if she got the part. There was a guy there, James McAvoy, who was playing the main character in the movie. He had seen her in the auditioning room and thought she was perfect for the part. He was going to talk to her, but she started running out of the building because she had to give Alicia’s clothes back, so she could leave that day. He tried to catch her, but she was running too fast! On her way out she dropped her mother’s wedding ring, which had been passed down to her when her mother passed away. James picked up the ring and put it in his pocket until the next time he would see her.
He tried calling her, but her stepmother had taken her cell phone away. After trying that number, he called her house phone. When he called the house her stepmother answered, “Hello?“
James replied, “May I speak to Cindy?”
But of course, her stepmother was not going to say she was in. Instead she answered, “Cindy is not home at the moment. Can I take a message?”
James said, “Could you please tell her that she got the part in the movie, and if she is still interested, she will need to call James as soon as possible.” So, her stepmother decided to tell Ali and Ruth and have Ali act as if she were Cindy. They called and scheduled an appointment to meet with him. But James knew what Cindy looked like, and he knew it couldn’t possibly be her. So he turned them away. Now he was worried about Cindy.
A couple days later, when Alicia got back from her trip, she saw Cindy at school and asked her, “Do you want to go to the movies?“
Cindy replied, “Yes.”
It just so happened that James and his friends were going to the same movie. When James got there, he saw a girl in the line for the tickets who, from the back, looked like Cindy. He pulled the ring out of his pocket and started walking towards the girl who he thought might be Cindy. He grabbed her hand without even looking at her and slipped the ring on gently and looked up at her saying, “I knew it was you. I’m so glad to see you.”
They decided to go to the same movie together and then possibly go out to Starbucks to get some coffee. After they went out, James said to Cindy, “You got the part in the movie, and if you are going to accept, you need to be at the same place you auditioned by eight-thirty tomorrow morning.“
She accepted and said, “Yes, I will be there.”
She got there the next morning, and they started shooting the movie. Weeks later, the movie was in theaters and it was a huge success. They were so happy, and they both pursued their dreams of being professional actors.
About a year or so later James asked her to marry him, and she said yes with a huge smile and tears of joy running down her face. A couple months later they had the wedding, and she told her stepfamily she was leaving them forever.
Cindy and James moved in with each other in their cute little apartment and lived happily ever after.